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 Post subject: AWVP Chief to Ilume
PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 2:16 am 
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This is just one player's suggestions, but let's see what you think, and feel free to comment, or have your Iluminators do so:

#1 Get your net up--as high as you can on the present poles. Upon request I can no doubt get you the height it currently stands at Riata, which is really high.

Yes, Dallas Chief, some people will complain. But, as you wisely noticed, they also will need to survive and adapt.

Austin Riata Chief unilaterally raised the net, and yes, there were initially complaints. But guess what? The number of injuries dropped dramatically (you've seen how my boys play!), and it's harder to spike or serve "downhill" as I term it.

#2 Over on 1 = death, about 75% of the time against a team that can do something else. I was watching the Ilume on Ilume games with keen interest, and there was way too much of that. Used to work in my early days too, but, boy, it doesn't work much anymore. See adapt, and survive. Good teams will take your lunch $ if you do that, and my boys get on me if I fall into that habit, even if I tell them it was the only shot I had.

#3 Sets and hits off the net. Being honest here--the most effective spikes from our opponents, were from your humble Ilume Chief. How did he do it? IMHO, he positioned himself properly (about an arms length off the net), got a set(!), and was tall enough and experienced enough to pound it down with accuracy. I'd say over those games he got 10+ kills

Others played too close and fell victim to on the net combat.

#4, which might actually be more highly ranked--body positioning, and footwork. Ask your Ilume players how they stand. If anyone is flat footed, have Cher spank them! Always on your toes. Always. And if you have your hands down at your sides, you are doing it wrong. Remember me telling people to get their hands up?

Almost every Ilume player I saw was serving was doing so at a straight forward angle. This cuts down any arc you might get on a ball. We showed you a little bit of the "moon ball" and "change up" this year. Not something you can do all that well when launching forward. Might have something to do with your new "net" is good situation, but that's kind of a low % shot, and my boys figured it out after the first point off it.

Same with fielding a ball--you put your body forward with an angle, you're doing that with the plan of going over the net, which might not want to be your goal.

Ilume players were asking me how to take heat of a ball you have to return. Reverse what you are doing--instead of launching forward, launch backward, and pop the ball up--not over the net, but to a teammate, to either spike on 2 or complete the play on 3. Make sense?

I'm a setter/point guard, so take this with a grain of salt, but there's an old bromide "If the set ain't pretty, big man looking shitty!" But if they don't get set at all, they will really get frustrated.

#5 Player retention Ilume had a couple of guys (tall man with a beard, and a little scrappy fella) who played well last year.

I was told they moved out, and no one knew what became of them. Minus any drama I'm unaware of, that's a mistake. For good players, go with "once Ilume, always Ilume" and keep in touch, to make sure you have the best players available when the time comes.

Team branding and loyalty is important. But you know what else I found enjoyable, when the hurly burlys done, when the battle's lost and won (even though I lost those games)? Mixing it up, so that we learn how to play together.

I'm glad we got to do that. Because I want you Ilume folks to know I will fight just as hard with you as I will against you.

Strength and Honor, and I hope to see you next year!


Death from above! Fire down below!

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 22, 2014 9:32 pm 
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Team Panda watched last year's game film, discussed, and drew up our line up ahead of time, with an emphasis on passing options, and mobile "fielders" covering the bigs on the front row. Made little diagrams and everything.

I understand, Ilume, this whole passing thing can be tough. I couldn't do it my rookie year (1992!!!), or for many years after that. And you may lose some games developing this technology rather than going over on 1 every time. But it's worth it.

Practice this in your heated pool while my legions languish, fat and bored, waiting for good weather to allow the campaigning season to begin!


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:12 pm 
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#6--placement. What are you trying to do with your serves/spikes/shots?

Kind of important to know, or at least have a plan, but be able to change on the fly. Mark of advanced play, that is.

For example, the mark of a good server is to have several different arrows in the quiver. Sure, you can keep doing the same serve over and over if a team/player can't handle it.

But you can't rely on that always. A good team will figure it out, and adjust. I also tell the less experienced guys on my team that the opponents are going to pick on them--the only thing you can do is to show them you are not "that guy" who is the hole in the phalanx. If you field their serves, they are more likely to leave you alone.

Ilume this time seemed to like straight low line drives with the server leaning his body forward. Doesn't leave many options. Servers ideally need options for arc, angles, and aim, which the straight ahead leaner serve doesn't leave you.

First rule of serving = confusion--if opponents know what you're going to do before hand, you lose a lot of the offensive advantage. Second is accurate aim--make people move, serve in between players, try to go for the back line, drop serves on big guys right at their belt line, etc.

So you have to be versatile--if first serve goes deep middle, maybe you shoot the second or third one at the same middle direction, but short, after middle guy has adjusted back. See what I'm sayin?

Talk to actual spikers about reading the field. I'm lucky to bet my short paws on it and am not the one to talk to about options while swinging on a set.

On shots/placement, consider the dink. We didn't play much of that--Dan, more or less the inventor of the play in our world, was more interested in pound town. But little drop shots over the front row, or angled placement shots to corners/sidelines/back row can be very effective.

Another thought--the Madison has a net and is not far from Ilume--have you sent scouts out there/contacted management yet? Last year their venue looked pretty forlorn and neglected.

If anyone plays there, I'm sure they'd be interested in a tournament, especially since you guys have a fucking bar downstairs--how awesome is that!? My boys certainly couldn't resist, somewhat to our detriment the next day.


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PostPosted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:33 pm 
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#7 player development

When Ilume on Ilume crime occurred, Team Iluminators beat team Dragonfly 21-10. More curiosity than anything else, but how did you choose who would be on what team?

For sure if you're running a tournament, you want to build a strong team to defend home court, rather than a couple of average teams, especially when the AWVP is coming for you!

When I first started Argosy, I wasn't allowed to play with College Mike, because we were the two best players, and it wouldn't be fair. Then things transitioned a bit, and a "Vet Squad" developed out there that beat all competition. Luckily the new players (who are now vets themselves--see Dan/Creepy, Jess), decided they didn't very much like being beat all the time, and eventually beat the Vets. It's on film on the site for your review.

This actually worked for us, though I can't say I much liked it at the time. New sheriff in town, and boy were they happy. The vets didn't get over it or actually reconvene in any numbers as a team until the BBG (Big Boy Game) this year, which is something like 7 years after the fact..

However, the outcome of having a stacked team for a lotta years as a successful strategy in building interest is an anomaly, as is the AWVP. Most places I've traveled to have one group of good players who beat the crap out of everyone else in their hood and rule the pool. There's a danger in this, in that it really hurts recruitment and retention. And leaves that ruling team vulnerable, because they don't let anybody learn, and end up sitting on their laurels, playing each other.

I saw it every time I traveled to new places over the years. And it could've happened to AWVP Argosy, were it not that we got a rep for being the best, which drew in a lotta hungry athletic players. So there's a ying yang to the whole thing.

Also, when we got big interest, we figured out how to do "dry people in," if a team wins 3 in a row, that team is busted up, and they have to get out.

Not that I see much danger of this at Ilume. Dallas Chief is super promotional and inclusive. The aforementioned is more of a history lesson (I read a lot, especially about history...). And you've seen what we do on occasion these days to try to even things out--pick captains, have them pick teams. It's as fair as it gets (and is preferred to names out of hat--tried that, once, didn't work well), and a team on paper is not the same as a team in the water. That's why we play the games!


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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:57 pm 
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#8 Dedication

The game I play is not recreation--in recreation there are children with water wings, and you don't keep score.

This is a sport. To be good at a sport, you must play regularly. A lot. All the time.

The reward when you do so is that you just might develop what I call body rhythm, meaning the ability to act in a game without really thinking so that reaction time drops--body and mind, one...

Also helps when you play a lot with teammates as a team. I think the short timer on Team Panda is 4 years. As Dallas Chief remarked, this is an advantage. See player retention

As you may have noticed, watervolleyball is something of an obsession for us. This is also an advantage. I'm old and possibly brain damaged, but, weather permitting, I can't think of anything more fun to do with my short pants on.

Ask those who disagree what they'd rather be doing--these days we play for 3-4 hours on weekends. Whatever it is you would rather be doing, you have plenty of time to do it when we are not playing ball:

Pandas are rare. But there are enough like me to continue the breed.

Fighting/playing ball, is better than not fighting/playing ball about 90% of the time.

Sure, we all have bills to pay, quilting to do, and the great American novel to write, not necessarily in that order, but if any of those diversions, or any other half assed excuses you can think of, take precedence over ball in my league, you will hear about it.

That's what it takes, and it ain't for everyone. So, come to terms with your fear and desire:


Death from above! Fire down below!

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:57 pm 
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#8 Dedication

The game I play is not recreation--in recreation there are children with water wings, and you don't keep score.

This is a sport. To be good at a sport, you must play regularly. A lot. All the time.

The reward when you do so is that you just might develop what I call body rhythm, meaning the ability to act in a game without really thinking so that reaction time drops--body and mind, one...

Also helps when you play a lot with teammates as a team. I think the short timer on Team Panda is 4 years. As Dallas Chief remarked, this is an advantage. See player retention

As you may have noticed, watervolleyball is something of an obsession for us. This is also an advantage. I'm old and possibly brain damaged, but, weather permitting, I can't think of anything more fun to do with my short pants on.

Ask those who disagree what they'd rather be doing--these days we play for 3-4 hours on weekends. Whatever it is you would rather be doing, you have plenty of time to do it when we are not playing ball:

Pandas are rare. But there are enough like me to continue the breed.

Fighting/playing ball, is better than not fighting/playing ball about 90% of the time.

Sure, we all have bills to pay, quilting to do, and the great American novel to write, not necessarily in that order, but if any of those diversions, or any other half assed excuses you can think of, take precedence over ball in my league, you will hear about it.

That's what it takes, and it ain't for everyone. So, come to terms with your fear and desire:


Death from above! Fire down below!

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:37 pm 
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Apparently #8 was important enough to post twice! Did that black cat cross your path twice? Was it the same cat???


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:04 pm 
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#9 Internalize the player's prayer:

Let me be first, fast, and accurate;
Let me be mobile, agile, and hostile;
Let me bring it to my opponents before they bring it to my team;
Let me help lead my team to victory;
And after victory, let us mix it up and do it again!

This just may please the gods of Ballhalla, and get you a place there.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:17 pm 
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#10 know your squad. Set your lineup and draw up plays to maximize advantages.

Example--if you start your best server furthest away from the server's spot, you might end up in a spot of trouble.

Be aware of your rotations. See the 4 man 10 pt warmup game from last year's Ilume on AWVP TV. IMHO, Darth Nowell and his fellow Sith made a mistake in the lineup--me and little Dave, the obvious passer/point guards, should've been crossed, such that you had one big guy & one little guy on the line at all times, with the obvious passing opportunities in that lineup.

Same if your biggest hitters start in the back row, unless you know the "give and go" play. We've been developing that one for the last couple of years--different from the flex play or a line shift/mini flex.

This expands to how you serve--if you are on offense and there's a mismatch on your front line, you have to make sure your serve makes it as hard as possible for your opponents to get the set to the big guy facing your little guy, or call a line audible while your serve is in the air so that their big guy gets a surprise when his hitting opportunity comes. Easier in 5-6 man games than in 4.

But you may find, as Ilume technology develops, that you can play 3 on 3 or even 2 on 2 in that pool.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:19 pm 
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#11 Turn it up to 11!

Apply the Dicta Boelke/strike that/Dicta Chief #1-10 and see how it works.

I will follow your progress with great interest.

So endeth the lesson for the season


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 8:48 am 

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I was hoping for 365 days of these...

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 2:20 am 
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The lessons will continue until they are learned, Lip.

Vet status aside, you have been absent more than present, so I can't be sure if you are following the 10 lessons. Scoreboard says you haven't, so I'll be watching you:


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 6:18 pm 

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Not present for October ball doesnt really count, and I was still PGOY after a rough start to season...Bam!

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 12:02 am 
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I was not aware the awards ceremony had taken place, Lip:

That being said, you win best innovation(!) in my book. Early BBG BBQs were doable, and brought out the best in our motley crew.

Lippy, I salute you!


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PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 9:03 am 

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:tonqe: :tonqe: :tonqe: :tonqe: :D

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 1:26 am 
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I'm personally hoping for Lippy to post his pearls of wisdom on site as well--free to all to do so.

I recommend the title, The Lip Unzipped--A Memior


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 10:20 pm 

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People cant handle the truth, so I have put a filter on for a change for now...for now...for now...

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:27 am 
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Perhaps the truth, in part, lies in BBGs, which allow for players who are legends in their own mind a chance to make legendary plays.

Personally, I think I play rather poorly in these--there's a lotta pressure, and a lotta tall trees out there. But, in a Sims or Dilferesque manner, I manage to eke out a average to below average performance that allows the team as a whole to function and stay competitive.

I'll be dwelling on that these long winter nights...


Death from above! Fire down below!

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