Neighbor Day 2--Sunday Funday
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Author:  Chief [ Sun Sep 01, 2019 9:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Neighbor Day 2--Sunday Funday

Newsflash--the Dallas inspired Wallyball initiative came up for a vote today, and was defeated. The issue is resolved. I came here to bury Wallyball (or as Navy puts it, WALLAIDS brought back from Dallas), not to praise it. We will speak no more of this abomination. Except for this--Wilbur hit one out of the park(again) and right into Shimmy, who caught it in the breadbasket, despite the broken finger--Shimmys are in in Dallas!

Quote of the Day (NSFW), from Wilbur: "Ford is eating my ass!" This was spawned by 3-4 shut down blocks that just don't happen to Will. Ford vs. Mountain--Ford wins! This is something that just hasn't happened before. History was made.

Turning to more familiar phraseology, I got to say "Out on Navy!" 5 times in a single game. Sorry, Navy, but it never gets old.

Played 1 with Taz, 0 with Scott, 0 with Ford today. That meant the 3 Amigos had a pretty good day:

But not as dominant as could've been expected...

I did get to play a lot with Wilbur, with some degree of success on embargo of wins for our opponents:

For those who are not yet familiar with the AWVP lexicon, there were a lotta teams that featured one big fella (Will) and the rest being small ball. These are known as Nerds teams. The odds are sorta stacked against them, because they're aren't enough hitters, and they're undersized at almost every position. Juicy Wescott declared the demise of the Point Guard when faced by Nerds team, prematurely, it turns out...

And boy was I proud of Fish, Kent, and Marcelo as undersized hitters:

Way to go, Nerds! Such teams tend to defy expectations, because expectations are so low! Agent Dan's was so frustrated, he determined he was going to spike a ball off my head. But like a poor marksman, he kept missing the target!

Nice try, Mr. Danderson! I'm notoriously hard to kill!

No Dynasties were achieved while I was at the Obstacle. That's because we're in the late season, meaning game is awesome, with great rallies. Until it isn't...

Warning label on AWVP bottle--you can OD on Rule #1, Have Fun. Fun will take all you've got to give, and ask for more.

It takes a keen and experienced eye to observe when too much fun has occurred, but one of the symptoms is Clownism:

Austin is way better than Dallas at being down to Clown! Drunken masters we are. They wouldn't stand a chance if our drink minimum was enforced.

So, I bugged out before I saw if Pandas were able to do the trick after too much fun... Did I miss the Ta Da moment?

I love each and every one of you. See you magnificent dysfunctional Pandas tomorrow.

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