WW 08/12/09 Riatata
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Author:  The Lip [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  WW 08/12/09 Riatata

Wild or Wacky Wednesday started out as Weak Wednesday w/ very late pandas and by the way no rain! which I presume scared many tough pandas away...Seriously, rain scares players away when we are going to be in the water and it will still be 95 degrees in the rain...I dont get it...

5v5 games did commence around 730 that were decent games...The 3 pt guards, Carson, and Edub took a drubbing the 1st game at the hands of BigWill, Jethro, Ford, DwayneDrainWayne, and a new guy I cant remembers name who wasnt bad during the daylight for a green rook...2nd game was close, but the pt guard dominated team evened up the series...The next two games were 5 v 4s w/ DrainDwayne exiting the scene...

Fall ball and night ball have been solved at the Riatata...With a bit of tree light tweaking it is almost like a night stadium was directly designed and built for our great game...I think Chief shed a tear as he was reminded of the famous Cosliseum that he used to play at a long time ago...

Speaking of Chief, as Jethro has pointed out for years you go over on 2 almost every time, so explain the pt guard moniker!

I think we should add in TT and or BT to the rotation now that we have stadium lighting system...Also, very important as Ford discussed last night...We must cut it off at 10pm whether Crystal is there or not, so we dont lose our last vaunted venue to play at during the evenings...

Author:  Chief [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

LJ, you know as well as I do that one of the AWVP commandments is "2 to Chief," Sometimes translated as:

"And the Second shall belong to Chief. The Second is the ball that bears His name. It is His ball, and He who is known as Chief shalt do with it as he pleaseth."

My I remind you that I also set Edub numerous times, followed by Fish and you. I also blocked Dwayne and Ford, engineered an 11-17 to 20-17 rally from the server's position, and saved numerous shots.

When are you going to get the picture that point guard is a position from which many things are possible--versatile, that's my style!

Ball was indeed fun yesterday. The Jess Ford combo was the most difficult aspect to deal with, opponent-wise.

Author:  The Lip [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

I expected a somewhat spirited response...You know I respect your game which is why I call down 3 pt guard games w/ a hitter so often...Those games are fun because we actually get to hit the ball into the net and out like all the big hitters...Alas, I do agree that you go over on 2 much of the time...Not a big deal...Its not a surprise tho anymore...Just something to condsider..

I do have an analogy for the disgust some have when pt guards actually swing a few times...Hedo Turkoglu only touched the ball sparingly when w/ the Spurs making him look like a somewhat sucky player because his mistakes were magnified...Say he touches the ball 10 times and messes up 3 times...Well, of course he looks like a chump...Then he goes to the Magic and touches the ball w/ no limits showing he has major game...When he makes a few more mistakes, they are overshadowed by the numerous good plays...So, what I am saying is give players like Carson, Crawfish, Chief, and me more chances to swing...I would be willing to bet especially from the back row that over the life of 100 swings the percentages are not that different in kills, except for maybe vs Mikey's...Also, most of the time pt guards will dink or go deep if a wall is in front of us, and not just swing away...

All I am saying is as much as I love dropping passes that are bounced out of the pool for great spikes, gettng opps to swing every once in a while is mighty fine, too...

Am looknig forward to a full wknd of great ball...Lets grill some major grub Sat...

Author:  Chief [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

What LJ said--more ops = less oops. I think it's also a bit less likely for the smaller hitters to swing for the fences every time, because they've learned that by doing so the ball tends to go either into the net or out. Somehow this lesson often escapes the big bangers.

I'm toying with the idea of raiding the Artisan before Saturday ball begins, if Spoons is up for it. On a couple of different occasions I've run into Artisans at Riata, so there is some cross pollenation going on. From what I've seen, it shouldn't take long.

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