Dallas Challange initial impressions
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Author:  Chief [ Tue Aug 28, 2018 1:18 am ]
Post subject:  Dallas Challange initial impressions

With one video available of AWVP in the books...

The Sith Lords seem to be a bit more lenient on our one handed slap and tickle sets. Put me back in, Coach! : )

Looks like we are improving every year. We often tell new players be ready for 5 years of disappointment before you can develop. Same story.

Much of the rest looks about the same. They have advantages, so do we. Odds are gonna be on the house--hard to win on the road.

So let's run through a little of what we all know already. Passing. Not high enough. That's easy. My recommendation is that New York enters the lineup next year. Problem solved in many ways--not old, not short, passes high. I peppered with him Sunday, and he can also handle the infamous 1 inch passes off the water.

Now don't get obsessed with what the other team does better than you. Because higher isn't always better. But we need the high set option, along with the "sizzle the pits" quick sets (h/t Karch Kiraly).

New York solves that problem. Younger, taller, hitter option not available for the rest of the point guards. Just train him up.

Unless some players are going to go through a growth spurt, can't really fix height, minus making radical changes to the lineup.

For the rest of it, since I've tried giving reasonable advice on preparation, and the definition of insanity is trying the same thing expecting a different result, allow me to employ reverse psychology:

Don't play with a ball like theirs before you go up there.
Don't measure the length of their court and practice serving
Don't try to play together as a team before going up for the Challenge. Why would you want that chemistry?

On the positive side, if it bleeds, we can kill it:

Looks like we're getting closer, boys. I may not be able to serve with you in the battle, but the fights not over...

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